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Von bogdandy

Pris: 979,-
Creative von Benzon, Nadia Creative Methods for Human Geographers

Introducing a broad range of innovative and creative qualitative methods, this accessible book shows you how to use them in research project while providing straightforward advice on how to approach every step of the…

Pris: 262,-
Fehr, Drude von der Tro på litteratur (8279901388)
I denne boken utforsker forfatterne sin egen tro på og fascinasjon for litteratur. En grunnleggende tanke er at skjønnlitteraturen evner å uttrykke sjikt av den menneskelige tilværelse som vårt hverdagsspråk ikke rommer.…
Pris: 1 644,-
Bogdandy, Armin von Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum 01 (3811435418)
Buckram-Leinen mit Goldprägung. Mit Schutzumschlag. Im Schuber
Pris: 839,-
Von Franz, Marie-Louise Volume 2 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von

The Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz is a 28 volume Magnum Opus from one of the leading minds in Jungian Psychology. Volume 1, released on her 106th birthday, is to be followed by 27 more…

Pris: 2 712,-
von Bogdandy, Armin The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law
The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law describe and analyse public law of the European legal space, an area that encompasses not only the law of the European Union but also the European Convention on Human…
Pris: 1 986,-
Von Bogdandy, Armin The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law
The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law describe and analyse public law of the European legal space, an area that encompasses not only the law of the European Union but also the European Convention on Human…
Pris: 521,-
Walker Richard Ernest Ulrich von Hutten?s «Arminius» (3039113380)
This is the first complete English translation of Ulrich von Hutten?s Latin dialogue Arminius and Eobanus Hessus?s Latin preface to its posthumous publication (1529). The translations are enhanced by extensive…
Pris: 608,-
Krogh, Georg von Slik skapes kunnskap (8250821157)
Slik skapes kunnskap er aktuell for ledere og mellomledere på alle nivåer i alle typer virksomheter. Den passer også som pensumbok i fag som knowledge management og strategisk ledelse, både i høgskolesystemet og innenfor…
Pris: 1 102,-
Von Busch, Otto The Psychopolitics of Fashion (135010230X)
What if fashion was a state? What kind of state would it be? Probably not a democracy. Otto von Busch sees fashion as a totalitarian state, with a population all too eager to enact the decrees of its aesthetic…
Pris: 1 268,-
Maehder, Jürgen Die Entstehung Der Oper «Die Frau Ohne Schatten» Von Richard

Dieses Buch rekonstruiert die von 1910 bis 1917 reichende Entstehungsgeschichte der 1919 uraufgefuhrten Oper 'Die Frau ohne Schatten' von Richard Strauss und Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Anhand neu aufgefundener Quellen war…

Pris: 381,-
Poser, Anita von Foodways and Empathy (1785332201)

Through the sharing of food, people feel entitled to inquire into one another?s lives and ponder one another?s states in relation to their foodways. This in-depth study focuses on the Bosmun of Daiden, a Ramu River…

Pris: 630,-
ART Von Schlosser, Julius Art and Curiosity Cabinets of the Late Renaissance ?
For the first time, the pioneering book that launched the study of art and curiosity cabinets is available in English. Julius von Schlosser's Die Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Spatrenaissance (Art and Curiosity Cabinets…
Pris: 305,-
Schirach, Ferdinand von Kaffe og sigaretter (8205533857)
Personlig om etikk, moral, kunst og strafferett fra den kritikerroste forsvarsadvokaten Ferdinand von Schirach.

Ferdinand von Schirach er forsvarsadvokat og kritikerrost, bestselgende forfatter, kjent for…
Pris: 272,-
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von The Metamorphosis of Plants (0262013096)

Goethe's influential text, newly illustrated with stunning color photographs.

The Metamorphosis of Plants, published in 1790, was Goethe's first major attempt to describe what he called in a…

Pris: 329,-
Weik Von Mossner, Alexa Affective Ecologies (0814254012)
Affective Ecologies: Empathy, Emotion, and Environmental Narrative explores our emotional engagement with environmental narrative. Focusing on the American cultural context, Alexa Weik von Mossner…
Pris: 454,-
Schelling F. W. J. von On the History of Modern Philosophy (052140861X)

On the History of Modern Philosophy is a key transitional text in the history of European philosophy. In it, F. W. J. Schelling surveys philosophy from Descartes to German Idealism and shows why the Idealist project…

Pris: 513,-
Hardenberg, Wilko Graf von The Nature State (0367172607)

This volume brings together case studies from around the globe (including China, Latin America, the Philippines, Namibia, India and Europe) to explore the history of nature conservation in the twentieth century. It…

Pris: 256,-
Schmitt, Carl Politische Theologie II: Die Legende Von Der Erledigung Jeder
Pris: 280,-
von Humboldt, Alexander Essay on the Geography of Plants (022605473X)
The legacy of Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) looms large over the natural sciences. His 1799-1804 research expedition to Central and South America with botanist Aime Bonpland set the course for the great scientific…
Pris: 1 016,-
Becker Uwe Jesaja - Von der Botschaft Zum Buch (3525538626)
Originally presented as the author's Habilitationsschrift--Universit'at G'ottingen, 1996.
Pris: 271,-
Moebius Von Gir zu Moebius (3962194878)
Pris: 983,-
Hille, Annika Die Kooperation Von Unternehmen Mit Deutschen Strafverfolgungsbehorden: Internal Investigations, Mitarbeiterinterviews Und Nemo-Tenetur-Grundsatz (3428180305)
Pris: 320,-
Oliveira, Manuel Jorge de Der Hauch von Ewigkeit (3930953854)
Pris: 485,-
von Rosen, Valeska Caravaggio und die Grenzen des Darstellbaren
Caravaggio?s paintings are to a great extent vexing, ambiguous and provocative. They deviate from traditional visual patterns, subvert conventions of representation, and push the boundaries of what is worthy of painting…
Pris: 353,-
Mörgen, Rebecca Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in vergleichender
Pris: 384,-
Von Simson, Otto Georg The Gothic Cathedral (0691018677)
The Description for this book, The Gothic Cathedral: Origins of Gothic Architecture and the Medieval Concept of Order, will be forthcoming.
Pris: 742,-
Brucher, Gunter Geschichte Der Venezianischen Malerei: Band 3: Von Giorgione Zum
Pris: 553,-
Holl, Frank 'Mein vielbewegtes Leben'. Ein biographisches Porträt, vorgestellt
Pris: 305,-
Stillfried-Rattonitz, Heinrich von Beiträge zu einem Gestütbuch von Trakehnen
Pris: 437,-
Franzius, Claudio Recht Und Politik: Zum Staatsverstandnis Von Ulrich K. Preuss
Ulrich K. Preua, who advocates a 'sophisticated etatism' (statism), is one of the most outstanding contemporary German thinkers on the state. His underlying premise in analyses of the state assumes that there is a…
Pris: 490,-
Von Gontard, Alexander Dc:0-5: Diagnostische Klassifikation Seelischer
Pris: 328,-
Kotzebue Moritz von Narrative of a Journey into Persia, in the Suite of the
Moritz von Kotzebue (1789?1861), son of the German dramatist and an experienced seaman and soldier, who had faced Bonaparte's troops on the battlefield, travelled to the court of Fath Ali Shah Qajar (1772?1834), the king…
Pris: 460,-
Klett, Manfred Von der Agrartechnologie zur Landbaukunst (3723516688)
Pris: 596,-
Von Unger, Hella Forschungsethik in Der Qualitativen Forschung

Wie verhalten sich Forschende im Forschungsfeld? Wie nehmen sie ihre Verantwortung als Forschende wahr? Wie gestalten sie die Beziehungen zu den Teilnehmenden und berucksichtigen deren Rechte? In diesem Sammelband…

Pris: 285,-
Von Arnim, Elizabeth The Enchanted April (1515428001)
Pris: 422,-
Steiner, Rudolf Das Zusammenwirken von Ärzten und Seelsorgern
Pris: 450,-
Wolf, Jürgen C von A bis Z (3836239736)
Pris: 286,-
Doderer, Heimito von Die Strudlhofstiege (3406655556)
Pris: 423,-
White, Gilbert Die Erkundung von Selborne durch Reverend Gilbert White
Pris: 456,-
von Clausewitz, Carl On War (0691018545)
On War is the most significant attempt in Western history to understand war, both in its internal dynamics and as an instrument of policy. Since the work's first appearance in 1832, it has been read throughout the world,…
Pris: 626,-
Grimm, Dieter Verfassung: Zur Geschichte Des Begriffs Von Der Antike Bis Zur
Pris: 587,-
Korn, Uwe Maximilian Von Der Textkritik Zur Textologie: Geschichte Der
Die Studie verfolgt die Entwicklung der neugermanistischen Editionsphilologie, beginnend bei den ersten komplexen Editionen im 18. Jahrhundert uber die Planungen zur Weimarer Goethe-Ausgabe im spaten 19. Jahrhundert und…
Pris: 281,-
Dietze Susanne Von Rider and Horse Back-to-Back (0851319882)
In this new book, Susanne von Dietze, author of the bestselling book and DVD Balance in Movement, explains how to dynamically stabilize your back so you can ride with 'feel' and in tune with riding's demands on your…
Pris: 701,-
Schwarz, Marcel Geschichten Vom Ganzen: Studien Zur Emergenz Von 'Emergenz'
Der Begriff der Emergenz findet mittlerweile fast im gesamten Spektrum der Wissenschaften Verwendung. Die Vielfalt der Phanomene, die unter diesen Begriff gefasst wird, und der Formenreichtum der Denkfiguren, die sich…
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