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Roland barthes

Pris: 216,-
Spartacus Forlag Den gamle retorikken - Roland Barthes
Forfatteren forteller om retorikkens utvikling fra dens tilblivelse til våre dager. Denne humanistiske disiplin har overlevd vår sivilisasjons endringer gjennom 2500 år, og fremdeles berører den våre måter å tale, skrive…
Pris: 119,-
Språkets syvende funksjon
En språkfilosofisk thriller ispedd storpolitikk25. februar 1980 blir den franske intellektuelle Roland Barthes overkjørt og drept av en renseribil etter en lunsj med blant andre presidentkandidat François Mitterrand.…
Pris: 288,-
Roland Barthes, Roland Det lyse rommet (8253023510)
Boken er et essay om det fotografiske bildet. Kommer virkeligheten til syne i fotografiet? Kan fotografi være kunst? Her drøftes virkningen av dokumenterbilder, pressefotos, kunstfotografier og familieportretter, både…
Pris: 463,-
Kittang, Atle Moderne litteraturteori (8215004792)
Et utvalg sentrale artikler fra det 20. århundres litteraturvitenskap. 2. utgaven er grundig oppdatert og korrigert.

I norsk oversettelse presenteres klassikere som Viktor Sjklovskijs 'Kunsten som grep',…
Pris: 190,-
Die Vorbereitung Des Romans
Im April 1978 beschließt Roland Barthes, einen Roman zu schreiben, kommt aber über Stichworte nicht hinaus. Die Erfahrung dieses Scheiterns macht er in den folgenden Jahren zum Thema der theoretischen Arbeit: Er widmet…
Pris: 419,-
The Preparation of the Novel - Lecture Courses and Seminars at the College de
Completed just weeks before his death, the lectures in this volume mark a critical juncture in the career of Roland Barthes, in which he declared the intention, deeply felt, to write a novel. Unfolding over the course of…
Pris: 244,-
Album - Unpublished Correspondence and Texts
Album provides an unparalleled look into Roland Barthes's life of letters. It presents a selection of correspondence, from his adolescence through the last years of his life. The first English-language publication of…
Pris: 244,-
This book focuses on the interconnection between Roland Barthes' writing and drawings and Victor Burgin's writing and projection works. It features a newly commissioned work by Burgin and drawings largely unseen and…
Pris: 262,-
Saussure, Ferdinand de Course in General Linguistics (1472512057)
Ferdinand de Saussure is commonly regarded as one of the fathers of 20th Century Linguistics. His lectures, posthumously published as the Course in General Linguistics ushered in the structuralist mode which marked a key…
Pris: 590,-
Ramirez, J. Jesse Against Automation Mythologies (0367520141)

Inspired by Roland Barthes?s practice of 'semioclasm' in Mythologies, this book offers a 'technoclasm'; a cultural critique of US narratives, discourses, images, and objects that have transformed the politics of…

Pris: 318,-
The aesthetics of violence
Roland Barthes once proposed that we distinguish between 'violence' and 'violent', the latter also including that which is violent in a positive way, such as creative passions, creative radicalisms! Today, it is more…
Pris: 723,-
Compagnon, Antoine Literature, Theory, and Common Sense (0691070423)
In the late twentieth century, the common sense approach to literature was deemed naive. Roland Barthes proclaimed the death of the author, and Hillis Miller declared that all interpretation is theoretical. In many a…
Pris: 521,-
Scianna, Ferdinando Ferdinando Scianna: Travels, Tales, Memories
These 250 photographs capture Sicilian Ferdinando Scianna's (born 1943) work for young Dolce & Gabbana; portraits of luminaries such as Roland Barthes, Saul Bellow, Jorge Luis Borges, Isabelle Huppert, Milan Kundera and…
Pris: 99,-
Let The Sunshine In
Let The Sunshine In, basert på Fragmenter Av Kjærlighetens Språk av Roland Barthes, var åpningsfilmen til Director's Fortnight under Cannes-festivalen i 2017. Den skilte kunstneren Isabelle leter etter kjærlighet. Hun…
Pris: 1 062,-
Bishop Ryan Seeing Degree Zero (1474431410)
In literature and the visual arts, zero degree represents a neutral aesthetic situated in response to and outside of the dominant cultural order. Starting from Roland Barthes' 1953 book Writing Degree Zero, this volume…
Pris: 157,-
Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes
The only autobiography by the great Roland Barthes, philosopher, literary theorist and semiotician. This is the autobiography of one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century.
Pris: 291,-
Roland Barthes, Roland Mytologier (8702191105)
I en lang række spidse, små essays analyserer Roland Barthes den moderne tids myter. Mytologier er det første eksempel på det, der senere blev kendt som semiologi, og den blev anset for at være startskuddet til…
Pris: 267,-
Roland Barthes, Roland The Rustle of Language (0520066294)
The Rustle of Language is a collection of forty-five essays, written between 1967 and 1980, on language, literature, and teaching--the pleasure of the text--in an authoritative translation by Richard Howard.
Pris: 132,-
Das Obszöne Werk
Die unter dem Titel "Das obszöne Werk" (deutsch erstmalig 1972 bei Rowohlt) zusammengefaßten Erzählungen Batailles apostrophierte Susan Sontag als "Kammermusik der pornographischen Literatur". Für die neuere intensive…
Pris: 296,-
Roland Barthes, Roland How to Live Together (023113617X)
In The Preparation of the Novel, a collection of lectures delivered at a defining moment in Roland Barthes's career (and completed just weeks before his death), the critic spoke of his struggle to discover a different…
Pris: 267,-
Roland Barthes, Roland The Fashion System (0520071778)
In his consideration of the language of the fashion magazine--the structural analysis of descriptions of women's clothing by writers about fashion--Barthes gives us a brief history of semiology. At the same time, he…
Pris: 463,-
Moderne Litteraturteori
Et utvalg sentrale artikler fra det 20. århundres litteraturvitenskap. 2. utgaven er grundig oppdatert og korrigert. I norsk oversettelse presenteres klassikere som Viktor Sjklovskijs "Kunsten som grep", Cleanth Brooks'…
Pris: 288,-
Roland Barthes, Roland The Rustle of Language (0809015277)
Pris: 305,-
How to Live Together - Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday
In The Preparation of the Novel, a collection of lectures delivered at a defining moment in Roland Barthes's career (and completed just weeks before his death), the critic spoke of his struggle to discover a different…
Pris: 1 399,-
Roland Barthes and Film
Pris: 326,-
Houze, Rebecca New Mythologies in Design and Culture (0857857622)
Taking as its point of departure Roland Barthes? classic series of essays, Mythologies, Rebecca Houze presents an exploration of signs and symbols in the visual landscape of postmodernity. In nine chapters Houze…
Pris: 369,-
Batchen, Geoffrey Photography Degree Zero (0262516667)

An essential guide to an essential book, this first anthology on Camera Lucida offers critical perspectives on Barthes's influential text.

Roland Barthes's 1980 book Camera Lucida is perhaps the…

Pris: 239,-
I Tegnets Tid
Roland Barthes var Frankrikes ledende intellektuelle, og en kjent litteraturkritiker, semiolog, sosiolog og filosof. Han hadde sitt gjennombrudd på 60-tallet, som talsmann for litterær strukturalisme. Boka presenterer et…
Pris: 229,-
A Roland Barthes Reader
An introduction to the thinking of the French intellectual, Roland Barthes, as applied to such diverse topics as Gide, Garbo, striptease, photography and the Eiffel Tower. The pieces in this collection were written over…
Pris: 331,-
Roland Barthes, Roland The Neutral (0231134053)
'I define the Neutral as that which outplays the paradigm, or rather I call Neutral everything that baffles paradigm.' With these words, Roland Barthes describes a concept that profoundly shaped his work and was the…
Pris: 238,-
I tegnets tid
Roland Barthes var Frankrikes ledende intellektuelle, og en kjent litteraturkritiker, semiolog, sosiolog og filosof. Han hadde sitt gjennombrudd på 60-tallet, som talsmann for litterær strukturalisme. Boka presenterer et…
Pris: 461,-
Moderne litteraturteori
Et utvalg sentrale artikler fra det 20. århundres litteraturvitenskap. 2. utgaven er grundig oppdatert og korrigert.I norsk oversettelse presenteres klassikere som Viktor Sjklovskijs Kunsten som grep, Cleanth Brooks'…
Pris: 250,-
Fagan, Teresa Lavender Incidents (1906497591)
French philosopher and literary theorist Roland Barthes was one of the leading influences on the post-structuralist movement in twentieth-century literary thought, and some of his best-known works, like 'S/ Z', speak…
Pris: 463,-
Barthes - A Biography
Roland Barthes (1915-1980) was a central figure in the thought of his time, but he was also something of an outsider.
Pris: 418,-
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland Fredrik Barth (8215022324)
Fredrik Barth er Norges og Skandinavias fremste sosialantropolog, en av verdens mest siterte og innflytelsesrike antropologer fra 1950-tallet til i dag, og en viktig premissleverandør i nyere samfunnsvitenskap generelt.…
Pris: 374,-
Barth, Nadine Ruth Orkin (3775750959)
Ruth Orkin is a legend of street photography ? her atmospheric pictures taken in cities such as Florence, New York and London still shape the image of these metropolises today. But Orkin?s specialty not only encompassed…
Pris: 520,-
Barth, Nadine Tom Hegen (3775748512)
The photographer Tom Hegen became internationally known with his aerial photographs, which deal primarily with the human landscape. They succeed in making us aware of what humans do with the earth. How we shape and…
Pris: 678,-
Jestrovic, Silvija Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence
This book takes Roland Barthes?s famous proclamation of ?The Death of the Author? as a starting point to investigate concepts of authorial presence and absence on various levels of text and performance. By offering a new…
Pris: 734,-
Barth, Karl Barth in Conversation, Three-Volume Set (0664266142)
Pris: 523,-
David Barth, Barth Parks and Recreation System Planning (1610919343)
Parks and recreation systems have evolved in remarkable ways over the past two decades. No longer just playgrounds and ballfields, parks and open spaces have become recognized as essential green infrastructure with the…
Pris: 409,-
Barth, Karl Church Dogmatics Study Edition 11 (0567105938)
This is the most important theological work of the 20th century in a new edition - now available in individual volumes. Karl Barth's 'Church Dogmatics' is one of the major theological works of the 20th century. The…
Pris: 409,-
Barth, Karl Church Dogmatics Study Edition 1 (0567202909)
This is the most important theological work of the 20th century in a new edition - now available in individual volumes. Karl Barth's 'Church Dogmatics' is one of the major theological works of the 20th century. The…
Pris: 422,-
Barth, Ferdinand Die göttliche Komödie (3650400774)
Pris: 409,-
Barth, Karl Church Dogmatics Study Edition 4 (0567180816)
Karl Barth's 'Church Dogmatics' is one of the major theological works of the 20th century. The Swiss-German theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) was the most original and significant Reformed theologian of the twentieth…
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