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Russland 1917
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Passchendaele 1917

Pris: 393,-
Passchendaele 1917: Landscape of War
Commemorates the centennial anniversary of one of the most terrible battles of the First World War, including eyewitness reports and dozens of images of the landscape before, during and after the war.
Pris: 99,-
Passchendaele (UK-import)
Det aller blodigste slaget under første verdenskrig. Nesten en million soldater mistet livet i Passchendaele i løpet av noen få høstmåneder 1917. Paul Gross fem ganger prisbelønte film skildrer første verdenskrigs…
Pris: 157,-
Canadian Corps Soldier vs Royal Bavarian Soldier - Vimy Ridge to Passchendaele
This illustrated study investigates the origins, combat role, and battlefield performance of the two of the finest fighting forces of World War I who fought three bloody battles in 1917. It will appeal to any enthusiast…
Pris: 157,-
Passchendaele 1917 - The Tommies' Experience of the Third Battle of
A new centenary history of the infamous Western Front campaign for the Belgian village of Passchendaele fought from 31 July - 10 November 1917.
Pris: 332,-
Passchendaele Campaign 1917
An in-depth account of the Battle of Messines Ridge in June 1917.
Pris: 393,-
A Moonlight Massacre - The Night Operation on the Passchendaele Ridge, 2
Provides an important contribution and re-interpretation of the discussion surrounding Passchendaele, based firmly on an extensive array of sources, many unpublished, and supported by illustrations and…
Pris: 270,-
Passchendaele 1917 - The Tommies' Experience of the Third Battle of
A new centenary history of the infamous Western Front campaign for the Belgian village of Passchendaele fought from 31 July - 10 November 1917.
Pris: 340,-
Bisperåd og kirkestyre - bispemøtets rolle i den norske kirkestrukturen
Hva har Bispemøtet betydd for Den norske kirke? Denne boken gir et innblikk i Bispemøtets arbeid for å prege utviklingen i kirken og samfunnet gjennom de 60 årene fra 1917 til 1977. Forfatteren diskuterer forholdet…
Pris: 218,-
Passchendaele 1917
Pris: 157,-
Passchendaele - The Story of the Third Battle of Ypres 1917
The third battle of Ypres, culminating in a desperate struggle for the ridge and little village of Passchendaele, was one of the most appalling campaigns in the First World War. A million Tommies, Canadians and Anzacs…
Pris: 332,-
Russland 1917 - krig og revolusjon
To store omveltninger i 1917 sendte både Russlands og verdens historie i en helt ny og uforutsett retning. I mars falt Romanov­dynastiet, som hadde regjert riket i over 300 år. I november gjennomførte bolsjevikene en…
Pris: 256,-
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS Tjuefem krigsdikt 1917-1918 - Wilfred
I anledning hundreårsmarkeringen av første verdenskrigs utbrudd utgir Tiden den engelske soldaten og forfatteren Wilfred Owens sjokkerende og realistiske dikt fra skyttergravene. Owen tjenestegjorde i Artist's Rifles, et…
Pris: 437,-
Europe in Crisis - Intellectuals and the European Idea, 1917-1957
The period between 1917 and 1957, starting with the birth of the USSR and the American intervention in the First World War and ending with the Treaty of Rome, is of the utmost importance for contextualizing and…
Pris: 262,-
Battle for Palestine, 1917
Pris: 332,-
February Revolution, Petrograd, 1917
Pris: 332,-
Esmond. the Lost Idol. 1895-1917
Pris: 200,-
South - The Illustrated Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition
Pris: 113,-
The Long, Long Trail - War at Home, 1917
The fourth book in the War at Home series by the author of The Morland Dynasty novels. Set against the evocative backdrop of World War I, this is an epic family drama featuring the Hunters and their servants
Pris: 397,-
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS 1917 Petrograd - Helen Rappaport
Helen Rappaports mesterlige beretning om utbruddet av den russiske revolusjon, fortalt gjennom øyenvitneskildringer fra utenlandske aktører som var tett på hendelsene. Mellom den første revolusjonen i februar 1917 og…
Pris: 157,-
Ti dager som rystet verden - den klassiske øyenvitneskildringen fra
Amerikanske John Reed ble en nær venn av Lenin og var øyenvitne til den russiske revolu.sjonen i 1917. «Ti dager som rystet verden» regnes som en klassiker innenfor reportasjegenren, der forfatteren er tett på…
Pris: 393,-
Red Star over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the
Through an array of posters, photographs, paintings, magazines, book jackets, advertisements, pamphlets and other rare ephemera, this book tells the story of the Soviet Union, from the Russian Revolution to the death of…
Pris: 199,-
The Year 1917 - Music In Turbulent Times (UK-import)
Pris: 130,-
Caught in the Revolution - Petrograd, 1917
Between the first revolution in February 1917, and Lenin's Bolshevik coup in October, Petrograd was in turmoil. Foreign visitors who filled hotels, bars and embassies were acutely aware of the chaos breaking out on their…
Pris: 200,-
JFK - Volume 1: 1917-1956
Pris: 449,-
Pris: 199,-
1917 - Original Soundtrack
At the height of the First World War, two young British soldiers, Schofield (Captain Fantastic?s George MacKay) and Blake (Game of Thrones? Dean-Charles Chapman) are given a seemingly impossible mission. In a race…
Pris: 157,-
Enemies and Neighbours - Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel,
Pris: 682,-
Music of the Soviet Era: 1917-1991
Pris: 393,-
Russland kommer nærmere - Norge og Russland 1814-1917
Hvordan har relasjonene mellom Norge og Russland endret seg de siste 200 årene? Hvilke forestillinger har vi om hverandre? Hvordan har bildene og realitetene spilt sammen og påvirket hverandre? Dette bokverket beskriver…
Pris: 179,-
En Snes Danske Viser 1915 1917
Pris: 848,-
Gandhi Brettspill Decolonization of British India 1917-47
Pris: 174,-
Valour Beyond Measure - Captain Richard William Leslie Wain V.C. - The Tank
Biography of Richard Wain from Penarth, Glamorgan, who won the Victoria Cross for his heroic actions at the Battle of Cambrai in the First World War, aged only 20. Also traces in detail the history of the Tank Corps and…
Pris: 393,-
Naboer i frykt og forventning - Norge og Russland 1917-2014
Hvordan har relasjonene mellom Norge og Russland endret seg de siste 200 årene? Hvilke forestillinger har vi om hverandre? Hvordan har bildene og realitetene spilt sammen og påvirket hverandre? Dette bokverket beskriver…
Pris: 393,-
The Great War Illustrated 1917 - Archive and Colour Photographs of
A unique insight into the Great War 1917 with over 1, 000 painstakingly restored images, many of which will be seen for the first time
Pris: 332,-
Bullecourt 1917 - Breaching the Hindenburg Line
The bloody sacrifices made by Australian and British soldiers notwithstanding, the fighting at Bullecourt resulted in the first breakthrough of the 'impregnable' Hindenburg Line. Author Paul Kendall has contacted many of…
Pris: 157,-
South: The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917
Pris: 200,-
Soviet State Security Services 1917-46
Pris: 393,-
Victoria Crosses on the Western Front - 1917 to Third Ypres
Pris: 367,-
Renault Ft & M1917 Light Tank
Pris: 692,-
Shark V1917(2000 mAh 8.4 V)
batteri (2000 mAh) egnet for Shark V1917 (XBV1917). (XBV1917). 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti
Pris: 692,-
Shark V1917CR(2000 mAh 8.4 V)
batteri (2000 mAh) egnet for Shark V1917CR (XBV1917). (XBV1917). 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti
Pris: 692,-
Shark V1917H(2000 mAh 8.4 V)
batteri (2000 mAh) egnet for Shark V1917H (XBV1917). (XBV1917). 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti
Pris: 692,-
Shark V1917C(2000 mAh 8.4 V)
batteri (2000 mAh) egnet for Shark V1917C (XBV1917). (XBV1917). 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti
Pris: 692,-
Shark V1917N (7.2V)(2000 mAh 8.4 V)
batteri (2000 mAh) egnet for Shark V1917N (7.2V) (XBV1917). (XBV1917). 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti 12 måneder Garanti. 30-dager penger tilbake garanti
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