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Foucault og
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Foucault michel

Pris: 366,-
Foucault, Michel Galskapens historie (8205266921)
Galskapens historie gir en meget tankevekkende beskrivelse av hvordan de sinnssyke har blitt behandlet i Europa fra middelalderen og frem til våre dager. Foucault peker på hvordan de gale i middelalderen var en naturlig…
Pris: 333,-
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS Overvåkning og straff - Michel Foucault
I denne boka forsøker forfatteren å gi en forklaring på maktens rolle i fremveksten av det moderne fengselssystemet fra 16-1700-tallet.
Pris: 319,-
Eliassen, Knut Ove Foucaults begreper (8230401160)
Michel Foucault er en av de mest leste teoretikerne innenfor humaniora og samfunnsfag, kjent for begreper som diskurs, makt og biopolitikk. Boken gir en grundig presentasjon av en rekke av hans mest sentrale begreper.…
Pris: 366,-
Foucault, Michel Overvåkning og straff (8205266948)
Overvåkning og straff (1975) er den franske filosofen Michel Foucaults kanskje mest innflytelsesrike verk, og en bok han selv satte meget høyt i sitt forfatterskap. Foucault søker her å forklare maktens rolle i…
Pris: 625,-
Gutting Gary Michel Foucault's Archaeology of Scientific Reason

This book is an important introduction to the critical interpretation of the work of the major French thinker Michel Foucault. Through comprehensive and detailed analyses of such important texts as The History of…

Pris: 275,-
Foucault, Michel Aesthetics, Method, And Epistemology (1565845587)

Few philosophers have had as strong an influence on the twentieth century as Michel Foucault. His work has affected the teaching of any number of disciplines and remains, twenty years after his death, critically…

Pris: 334,-
Fontana-Giusti, Gordana Foucault for Architects (0415693314)

From the mid-1960s onwards Michel Foucault has had a significant impact on diverse aspects of culture, knowledge and arts including architecture and its critical discourse. The implications for architecture have been…

Pris: 398,-
Foucault, Michel History of Madness (0415477263)

When it was first published in France in 1961 as Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la Folie à l'âge Classique, few had heard of a thirty-four year old philosopher by the name of Michel Foucault. By the time an…

Pris: 285,-
Foucault, Michel The Essential Foucault (1565848012)

The essential one-volume collection of Michel Foucault?s letters, lectures, and interviews, tracing the evolution of the eminent and groundbreaking philosopher?s thought throughout his life

Pris: 303,-
Foucault, Michel Intolerable (1517902355)

A groundbreaking collection of writings by Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group documenting their efforts to expose France?s inhumane treatment of prisoners

Founded by Michel…

Pris: 451,-
Foucault, Michel Biopolitikkens fødsel (8741252535)
Biopolitikkens fødsel er en række forelæsninger, som Michel Foucault holdt ved Collège de France i 1979. Bogen ligger i forlængelse af hans forelæsninger fra året før, Sikkerhed, territorium, befolkning, og giver en…
Pris: 259,-
Mills, Sara Michel Foucault (0415245699)
It is impossible to imagine contemporary critical theory without the work of Michel Foucault. His radical reworkings of the concepts of power, knowledge, discourse and identity have influenced the widest possible range…
Pris: 320,-
Foucault, Michel Confessions of the Flesh: The History of Sexuality, Volume 4
The fourth and final volume in Michel Foucault's acclaimed History of Sexuality, completed just before his death in 1984 and finally available to the public

One of the most influential thinkers of…

Pris: 263,-
Øye, Christine Å tenke med Foucault (8245022241)

Hvordan er det mulig å tenke om fenomener som galskap, makt, frihet og omsorg i lys av noen bestemte samfunnsgitte betingelser? Den franske idéhistoriker Michel Foucault var en av forrige århundrets mest…
Pris: 252,-
Foucault, Michel The Government of Self and Others: Lectures at the Collège de

This lecture, given by Michel Foucault at the Coll ge de France, launches an inquiry into the notion of parresia and continues his rereading of ancient philosophy. Through the study of this notion of truth-telling, of…

Pris: 359,-
Hunt, Alan Foucault and Law (0745308422)
When he died in 1984, Michel Foucault was regarded as one of the most profoundly influential philosophers of his day. Although the law itself never formed a central focus for Foucault, many of the principal themes in his…
Pris: 626,-
Mac Naughton, Glenda Doing Foucault in Early Childhood Studies

The theories and analyses of post-structural thinkers such as Michel Foucault can seem a long way from practice in early childhood services. In recent years, however, many early childhood researchers and practitioners…

Pris: 451,-
Foucault, Michel Sikkerhed, territorium, befolkning (8741203569)
'Forelæsningerne er et uvurderligt bidrag til nutidig politisk filosofi.'
Hans Hauge, Jyllands-Posten
I denne række epokegørende foredrag analyserer Michel Foucault, hvordan moderne stater…
Pris: 279,-
Cappelen Damm AS Forelesninger om regjering og styringskunst - Michel
I middelalderen vokste det frem et samfunn mellom konger og hans undersåtter. Dette samfunnet må styres indirekte. I de tre forelesningene som presenteres her, analyserer forfatteren de historiske handlingsbetingelsene…
Pris: 174,-
Power - The Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984
Pris: 398,-
Taylor Dianna Michel Foucault (1844652351)
Michel Foucault was one of the twentieth century's most influential and provocative thinkers. His work on freedom, subjectivity, and power is now central to thinking across an extraordinarily wide range of disciplines,…
Pris: 550,-
South Asian Governmentalities - Michel Foucault and the Question of Postcolonial
This volume analyses the ways in which the works of twentieth-century philosopher Michel Foucault have been received and re-worked by scholars of South Asia. It surveys the past, present, and future lives of the mutually…
Pris: 259,-
Foucault, Michel Speaking the Truth about Oneself (022661686X)
Just before the summer of 1982, French philosopher Michel Foucault gave a series of lectures at Victoria University in Toronto. In these lectures, which were part of his project of writing a genealogy of the modern…
Pris: 355,-
Oksala Johanna Foucault on Freedom (0521122945)
Freedom and the subject were guiding themes for Michel Foucault throughout his philosophical career. In this clear and comprehensive analysis of his thought, Johanna Oksala identifies the different interpretations of…
Pris: 190,-
Michel Foucault
Mit Michel Foucault starb 1984 einer der bedeutendsten Philosophen Frankreichs. Wenigen ist es wie ihm gelungen, ihre Zeit nicht nur zu reflektieren, sondern ihr auch das Signum des eigenen Denkens aufzuprägen. Didier…
Pris: 1 275,-
Sawyer, Stephen W. Foucault, Neoliberalism, and Beyond (1786603764)
Few philosophers have garnered as much attention globally as Michel Foucault. But even within this wide reception, the consideration given to his relationship to neoliberalism has been noteworthy. However, the debate…
Pris: 277,-
Deleuze Gilles Foucault (0826490786)
Giles Deleuze (1925-1995) was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII. He is a key figure in poststructuralism and one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. In 'Foucault', Deleuze…
Pris: 447,-
Foucault, Michel Religion and Culture (041592362X)
First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Pris: 265,-
Foucault, Michel Discours Et Verite: Precede de la Parresia (2711626563)
A l'automne 1983, Michel Foucault prononce, a l'Universite de Californie a Berkeley, un cycle de six conferences intitule Discours et verite, dont on trouvera ici, pour la premiere fois, l'edition complete et critique.…
Pris: 256,-
Foucault, Michel About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self
In 1980, Michel Foucault began a vast project of research on the relationship between subjectivity and truth, an examination of conscience, confession, and truth-telling that would become a crucial feature of his…
Pris: 641,-
Foucault, Michel Politics, Philosophy, Culture (0415901499)
Politics, Philosophy, Culture contains a rich selection of interviews and other writings by the late Michel Foucault. Drawing upon his revolutionary concept of power as well…
Pris: 1 032,-
Allen Miller, Paul Foucault?s Seminars on Antiquity (1474278663)
In 1980, Michel Foucault?s work makes two decisive turns. On the one hand, as announced at the start of his course at the Collège de France for that year, Le Gouvernement des vivants, his topic will be the modalities…
Pris: 488,-
Lemke, Thomas Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique (1594516383)
Michel Foucault is one of the most cited authors in social science. This book discusses one of his most influential concepts: governmentality. Reconstructing its emergence in Foucault's analytics of power, the book…
Pris: 568,-
Downing, Lisa The Cambridge Introduction to Michel Foucault (0521864437)
French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault is essential reading for students in departments of literature, history, sociology and cultural studies. His work on the institutions of mental health and medicine, the…
Pris: 1 064,-
Foucault, Michel The Order of Things (0415267366)
When one defines 'order' as a sorting of priorities, it becomes beautifully clear as to what Foucault is doing here. With virtuoso showmanship, he weaves an intensely complex history of thought. He dips into literature,…
Pris: 544,-
Markula-Denison Pirkko Foucault, Sport and Exercise (0415358639)

Michel Foucault?s work profoundly influences the way we think about society, in particular how we understand social power, the self, and the body. This book gives an innovative and entirely new analysis of is later…

Pris: 352,-
Gutting Gary The Cambridge Companion to Foucault (0521600537)
For Michel Foucault, philosophy was a way of questioning the allegedly necessary truths that underpin the practices and institutions of modern society. He carried this out in a series of deeply original and strikingly…
Pris: 333,-
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS Galskapens historie - Michel Foucault
Denne boken gir en beskrivelse av hvordan de gale er blitt behandlet i Europa fra middelalderen og frem til våre dager. Foucault peker på hvordan de gale i middelalderen var en naturlig del av samfunnet og fascinerte…
Pris: 174,-
Ethics - Subjectivity and Truth: Essential Works of Michel Foucault
Pris: 299,-
Foucault, Michel 'discourse and Truth' and 'parresia' (022650946X)
The volume collects a series of lectures given by the renowned French thinker Michel Foucault late in his career. The book is composed of two parts: a talk, 'Parresia, ' delivered at the University of Grenoble in 1982,…
Pris: 297,-
Afary, Janet Foucault and the Iranian Revolution (0226007863)
In 1978, as the protests against the Shah of Iran reached their zenith, philosopher Michel Foucault was working as a special correspondent for Corriere della Sera and Le Monde. During his little-known stint as a…
Pris: 316,-
de Lagasnerie, Geoffroy Foucault against Neoliberalism? (1786616491)
In the late 1970s, Michel Foucault dedicated a number of controversial lectures on the subject of neoliberalism. Had Foucault been seduced by neoliberalism? Did France?s premier leftist intellectual, near the end of his…
Pris: 141,-
Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault hat unsere Sicht der Welt verändert. Wer dieses Buch liest, weiß warum. Der ideale Einstieg in Leben und Werk des großen französischen Denkers: Gut verständlich stellt Reiner Ruffing die Thesen und…
Pris: 600,-
Elden, Stuart Foucault's Last Decade (0745683916)
On 26 August 1974, Michel Foucault completed work on Discipline and Punish, and on that very same day began writing the first volume of The History of Sexuality. A little under ten years later, on 25 June 1984, shortly…
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