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Bonsdorff anna-maria

Pris: 466,-
Bonsdorff, Anna-Maria von Japanomania in the Nordic Countries, 1875-1918
This extensive publication, complete with hundreds of illustrations by such renowned artists as Carl Larsson, Edvard Munch, Vilhelm Hammershøi, Helene Schjerfbeck, Pekka Halonen, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Gerhard Munthe,…
Pris: 334,-
Re, Anna Maria Understanding ADHD (0367193248)

This essential guide provides accessible, concise, evidence-based guidelines on Atttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), offering a deeper scientific understanding of the condition and its consequences. It…

Pris: 1 551,-
Bounds, Anna Maria Bracing for the Apocalypse (041578848X)

Increasing American fear about terrorism, environmental catastrophes, pandemics, and economic crises has fueled interest in 'prepping': confronting disaster by mastering survivalist skills. This trend of self-reliance…

Pris: 389,-
Bonsdorff, Anna-Maria von Helene Schjerfbeck (1912520036)
Though little known outside her native country, Helene Schjerfbeck (1862-1946) is one of Finland's best-loved artists. Her career, which stretched from the late 1870s to the end of the Second World War, encompassed both…
Pris: 339,-
Morsucci, Anna Maria (Anna Maria Morsucci) Marseille Tarot Professional Edition
This professional-quality deck is a must for those who need their cards to stand up to heavy use. The larger cards make the details of the images easier to see, and the high-quality card stock ensures a long life. The…
Pris: 422,-
Lenngren, Anna Maria Samlade Skaldef RS K (0559777582)
Pris: 1 293,-
Prentiss, Anna Marie Handbook of Evolutionary Research in Archaeology

Evolutionary Research in Archaeology seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary evolutionary research in archaeology. The book will provide a single source for introduction and overview of basic…

Pris: 251,-
Mendell, Anna Maria The Golden Princess and the Moon (1621381943)
Pris: 291,-
Sigmund, Anna Maria Tatort Genfer See (3222150532)
Pris: 353,-
Busse Berger, Anna Maria The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music
Through forty-five creative and concise essays by an international team of authors, this Cambridge History brings the fifteenth century to life for both specialists and general readers. Combining the best qualities of…
Pris: 725,-
Berger, Anna Maria Busse Medieval Music and the Art of Memory
This bold challenge to conventional notions about medieval music disputes the assumption of pure literacy and replaces it with a more complex picture of a world in which literacy and orality interacted. Asking such…
Pris: 395,-
Baiynd, Anne-Marie The Trading Book: A Complete Solution to Mastering Technical


You don?t have to be a professional trader to win big in the stock market. That?s what Anne-Marie Baiynd learned when she…

Pris: 252,-
Trester Anna Marie Bringing Linguistics to Work (1483463680)
You were drawn to linguistics as a course of study because you enjoy tackling challenges, so why not bring the skills you have honed to professional challenges that speak to you? The world (of work) needs linguists!!…
Pris: 1 039,-
Fortier, Anne-Marie Uncertain Citizenship (1526139081)

Uncertainty is central to the governance of citizenship, but in ways that erase, even deny, this uncertainty. This book investigates uncertain citizenship from the unique vantage point of ?citizenisation?:…

Pris: 273,-
Donohoo, Jenni Anne Marie Collective Efficacy (1506356494)

Impro ve student outcomes with collective teacher efficacy.

Is your school climate promoting meaningful change? Recent research suggests that Collective Efficacy (CE) is the number…

Pris: 445,-
Barry Anne-Marie Understanding the Sociology of Health (1473929458)

Understanding the Sociology of Health continues to offer an easy to read introduction to sociological theories essential to understanding the current health climate. Up-to-date with key policy and research,…

Pris: 332,-
Brenne, Anne Marie Elsket og savnet (824892405X)
Døden handler om de levende. Meningen med livet kan være et vanskelig tema, men en ting er sikkert: Døden kommer til oss alle. Kanskje er det en trøst å vite at dine etterlatte vil bli godt ivaretatt av en…
Pris: 415,-
Mork Rokstad, Anne Marie Personer med demens : møte og samhandling
Kompetanseutvikling er et viktig satsingsområde innenfor demensomsorgen. Det er slått fast både i lovverk, stortingsmeldinger og i nasjonale retningslinjer og planer som omhandler omsorg for personer med demens. Denne…
Pris: 454,-
Schulze, Anne-Marie Servus!: tysk I (8211017814)
Servus! er et nytt læreverk i tysk nivå 1 for Vg1 og Vg2. Verket består av en grunnbok, en arbeidsbok og et nettsted for lærer og elev. Grunnboka og arbeidsboka dekker begge årstrinnene. Læreverket har et realistisk…
Pris: 362,-
Støkken, Anne Marie Tjenesteutvikling ved ulike former for samarbeid

Det er et politisk mål at våre velferdstjenester er i kontinuerlig utvikling. For å få til det må mye av fagutviklingsarbeidet foregå lokalt og i samspill mellom profesjonsutøvere, brukere av tjenester og forskere.…
Pris: 781,-
Schulze, Anne-Marie Los geht's 10 (8252167756)
Los geht's er eit læreverk i tysk for 8.-10. trinn med eit realistisk omfang samtidig som verket byr på eit omfattande materiale til individualisering i klasserommet. Verket oppmuntrar elevane til å bruke språket frå…
Pris: 346,-
Dumanski, Ann Mari Visual and culinary delights for Nobel medicine laureates

Visual and culinary delights for Nobel Medicine Laureates presents 11 Nobel Prizes that have been of great significance for humanity. These discoveries have been made by researchers from all over the world,…

Pris: 771,-
Schulze, Anne-Marie Weiter geht's (8252179290)
Weiter geht's er et nyskapende læreverk i tysk som møter elevene der de er, gjennom elevnære tekster og bilder. Verket har fokus på at elevene skal tilegne seg det tyske språket på ulike måter gjennom et stort utvalg av…
Pris: 343,-
Aubert, Anne-Marie Utvikling av relasjonskompetanse (8205500754)
Relasjonskompetanse i hjelpende relasjoner innebærer å møte den andre med respekt slik at den enkeltes verdighet som menneske ivaretas.
Utvikling av egen relasjonskompetanse er en livslang prosess. Denne boken…
Pris: 425,-
Schulze, Anne-Marie Los geht's 9 (821102151X)
Los geht s tar deg med videre! · Enkle og varierte tekster gir motivasjon og mestring · Engasjerende temaer · Rikelig med dialoger · Landeskunde med rikt bildemateriale · Skreddersydde muntlige oppgaver, knyttet til…
Pris: 269,-
Bonneau, Anne-Marie The Zero-waste Chef (0593188772)
A sustainable lifestyle starts in the kitchen with these use-what-you-have, spend-less-money recipes and tips, from the friendly voice behind @ZeroWasteChef.

In her decade of living with as little…

Pris: 520,-
Frøseth, Anne Marie Rettsfølelsen i strafferettssystemet (8205489521)
Boken vil være nyttig lesning for alle som arbeider med eller har interesse for strafferett.

Befolkningens oppfatninger om, og følelser for, hva som er en rimelig og rettferdig strafferett, får stadig…
Pris: 891,-
Roos, Anna Marie Martin Folkes (1690-1754) (0198830068)
Martin Folkes (1690-1754): Newtonian, Antiquary, Connoisseur is a cultural and intellectual biography of the only President of both the Royal Society and the Society of Antiquaries. Sir Isaac Newton's protégé,…
Pris: 421,-
Chidiac, Marie-Anne Relational Organisational Gestalt (1782205233)

This book provides a comprehensive view of the application of Relational Gestalt theory to Organisation Development and change interventions in organisations.

Uncertainty and frequent change are the hallmark…

Pris: 943,-
Reitan, Anne Marie Kreftsykepleie (8202493102)
Boken beskriver kreftsykepleie i lys av diagnose, behandling og utfordringer pasienter og pårørende står overfor. Den spenner fra det generelle til det spesielle og er strukturert i tre deler:

Del 1:…
Pris: 357,-
Baiynd, Anne-Marie The Trading Book Course: A Practical Guide to Profiting
The companion volume to The Trading Book--practical, hands-on exercises that make trading decisions easier than ever

Filled with activities, exercises, and expert advice, The Trading Book Course

Pris: 441,-
Olesen, Anne-Marie Vedsø Vølvens vej - Snehild (8711985992)

Snehild kommer til verden midt under en blodig krig. Hendes mor flygter gennem skovene og videre til Himlinge, hvor Snehild vokser op. Da byens magtfulde ypperstepræstinde Ragnfrid får mistanke…

Pris: 979,-
Barry, Anne-Marie Understanding the Sociology of Health (1526497549)

Why do health inequalities exist? How do gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity or class affect health? What is the healthcare impact of technology? How does climate change relate to health and illness and what does…

Pris: 266,-
Schulze, Anne-Marie Los geht's 8 (8211021498)
Los geht's tar deg med videre! Tysk grammatikk på en morsom og utfordrende måte Minigrammatikk med gjennomgang av teoristoff i tilknytning til oppgavene Rikt utvalg av oppgaver o Lekende og teoretiske oppgaver o …
Pris: 383,-
Mai, Anne-Marie Hvor litteraturen finder sted (8702114194)
HVOR LITTERATUREN FINDER STED ? MODERNE TIDER 1900-2010 er tredje og sidste bind i Anne-Marie Mais store litteraturhistorie. 
Her tager Anne-Marie Mai læseren med op i tårne, ned i kældre, rundt i…
Pris: 341,-
Donslund, Anne-Marie Grydeklar - Godnathistorier, der får børn til at smile i

Godnathistorier, der får børn til at smile i søvne


Drengen med verdens største numse. Pigen, der fandt en statsminister i baghaven og forklaringen på, hvorfor man prutter. Her er…

Pris: 1 025,-
Brady, Anne-Marie China as a Polar Great Power (1107179270)
China has emerged as a member of the elite club of nations who are powerful at both global poles. Polar states are global giants, strong in military, scientific, and economic terms. The concept of a polar great power is…
Pris: 882,-
Bugyis, Katie Ann-Marie The Care of Nuns (0190851287)
In her ground-breaking new study, Katie Bugyis offers a new history of communities of Benedictine nuns in England from 900 to 1225. By applying innovative paleographical, codicological, and textual analyses to their…
Pris: 590,-
Quigg, Anne-Marie Bullying in the Arts (1138895040)
Diva, Prima Donna, Maestro, Virtuoso: creative geniuses with the ability to deliver artistic excellence. However this perception can serve to tilt the balance of power in relationships and to substantiate the notion of…
Pris: 685,-
Christensen, Anne-Marie Søndergaard Moral Philosophy and Moral Life
Moral Philosophy and Moral Life addresses the questions of the role of moral philosophy and its relationship to our ordinary moral lives. Christensen's argument is motivated by the belief that one of the most important…
Pris: 447,-
Willis, Anne-Marie The Design Philosophy Reader (0857853503)
What is design philosophy and why is it needed? This important book explains the discipline?s recent emergence, the key questions which dominate it, and its potential to fundamentally change the way we practice and think…
Pris: 334,-
Slaughter, Anne-Marie A New World Order (0691123977)
Global governance is here--but not where most people think. This book presents the far-reaching argument that not only should we have a new world order but that we already do. Anne-Marie Slaughter asks us to completely…
Pris: 250,-
Wallenberg, Ann Mari If the War Comes (1908337524)
In March 1940 ten-year old Ann Mari Wallenburg found herself part of a daring escape across occupied Europe. Leaving neutral Sweden as the Nazis invaded Norway, she and her mother travelled by any means possible through…
Pris: 381,-
Guimier-Sorbets Anne-Marie Resurrection in Alexandria (9774168291)
In the Greco-Roman catacombs of Alexandria, uniquely decorated tombs from the time when religious boundaries blurred and syncretistic beliefs flourished have long been known. But it was only in 1993 that researchers…
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